Bluestacks N Download BETA for Windows PC! The latest version of emulator is Bluestacks N which runs on Android Nougat! Install Bluestacks Windows 10 with Android N beta version on your PC/Laptop. 100% Safe and Secure Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version. Click on the BlueStacks download links below to direct you to the official website. You can get started even on a PC that fulfills these minimum requirements. Therefore, a fast and stable internet connection is a must. While nothing matches a high-end PC, you necessarily don’t need a monster machine to experience BlueStacks 5. The BlueStacks installer file is pretty big, approximately 500MB. All previous versions of BlueStacks App Player are virus-free and free to download at Uptodown. All supported apps work with your PCs mouse, camera, webcam and microphone, and BlueStacks also supports multi-touch and has integrated sensors. Download prior versions of BlueStacks App Player for Windows. V 3.0 is an ad-supported and free to download Bluestacks 3 for Windows 8, 10, 8.1, 7, XP, Vista 64 bit, 32-bit Laptop. You need to complete the one-time setup initially.

Here is the detailed installation guide – Bluestacks Installation for PC Step 2: Once it is finished downloading, run the installer.exe file. Step 1: Download the Bluestacks installer application from the official website.